Planting Trees To Celebrate 50 Years Of Legal Excellence

30 September 2014 |

In celebrating their 50th Anniversary, Cox Yeats Attorneys reached out to their communities to mark this milestone by planting trees. Through Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), three underprivileged schools in the Durban area were identified to receive 50 trees donated by Cox Yeats. The objectives being to plant for the future education of our young people, for the preservation of our environment, and for future growth. In keeping with the firm’s ethos and values, the planting of trees at disadvantaged schools addressed three key criteria in terms of social responsibility, that of Environmental preservation, Education and Growth.

“Trees are not only aesthetically pleasing and vital for the environment, but they symbolize growth, strength and a future. As we look back on 50 years of legal excellence, as a law firm we also now look to the future growth of our business, and also to the future of our country” said Peter Feuilherade, Partner at Cox Yeats.

The first of the three schools to receive and be assisted with the planting of their trees, was Shayamoya School in KwaMashu. The learners received first hand instruction from the FTFA Ecopreneur, Jeminah Mkhize, on the importance of trees and how useful they are, from shade to food, to the clean oxygen we breathe. During the course of the tree planting, learners were taught how to properly plant and care for their trees. “Often children name their trees and take ownership for their trees wellbeing. Teachers are also afforded the opportunity of taking their lessons outside and practically demonstrating subjects that cover environmental topics,” explains Mkhize.

In addressing the children and staff at Shayamoya School, Cox Yeats Partner, Peter Feuilherade likened education to trees. Feuilherade said, “Education is like being a tall, strong tree. When we plant a tree, we need to feed it and water it for it to grow tall and strong, so that it can keep our air clean, shelter us and some even feed us. Trees have a purpose. When you are young and small, you start school, you grow and you learn every day, you become stronger in body and mind, and as you become more educated, you are one day able to go out and build a better future for yourself. So take your studies seriously and listen to your teachers. You too have a purpose. And remember that we need to look after our trees so that they can grow and we too can have an environment in which to grow!”

Through Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA) and their Trees for All programme, children at the beneficiary schools will learn about the value of trees in our lives and how all in our environment and landscape is connected. The planting of trees provides an excellent way to teach lessons from waste management, soil improvements, biodiversity, pollution through to climate change are easily taught.

“We hope that these trees will benefit the young people who attend these schools and will also serve as a reminder to them of the importance of sustaining our environment for their own children,” Feuilherade continued.

The benefits of trees will last for generations. “We congratulate Cox Yeats on 50 years of legal excellence and thank them for working for FTFA to ensure that children are taught lessons that will lead to a lower carbon and more sustainable future”, said Jeminah Mkhize.

Published by

Cox Yeats




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